January 17, 2012

3 Green Carpet Cleaning Techniques for the End of Tenancy

green-carpet-cleaningThe carpet is the piece of furniture which requires the most attention at the end of tenancy. It is usually the most expensive piece of furniture in a lodging, and if the landlord finds it stained or damaged he will definitely keep the rental deposit of the tenant. So, if your time to move out has come, don’t stop reading. (more…)

December 8, 2011

Part-time job as a carpet cleaner helps to get better university grades

carpet-cleanerWorking as a cleaner wasn’t what I was dreaming about when I was at school, but when I started my university studies I had to do the job hunting to be able to make a living, since my family wasn’t able to provide me a full financial support. I tried different jobs, but never could stay at any of those longer than 2 months. (more…)

October 17, 2011

How to Make Your Own Carpet Shampoo Cleaner

carpet-cleaning-shampooThere are many recipes to make your own shampoo cleaner that can efficiently replace most of the cleaners available on the market. The shampoo carpet cleaner suggested in this article can be used for regular carpet cleaning or as a solution for your carpet steam cleaner. Instead of hiring professional carpet cleaning company, learn how to make your own carpet shampoo cleaner as following the steps below. (more…)

September 29, 2011

How to Remove Ash from a Carpet

Ash, whether it is from a log fire or a cigarette, can cause nasty stains on a carpet. Even if you vacuum the carpet, there may still be ash left in the carpet fibers. Calling professionals is not necessary for such an easy task, especially when you know that ash stains can be effectively removed with natural products. Using household items to tackle ash stains is not expensive and what is more, they won’t damage the carpet fibers. (more…)