December 4, 2012

House Maintenance Tips For The Winter

The time has come for you to prepare your home for the cold weather. These steps, most of which you can do on your own, will decrease your utility bills and protect your dwelling. Repairs are very challenging during the winter so thinking ahead of time is important. However a few things can still be done to save you major headaches later. Go through this checklist and you will be able to prevent some problems with your Islington residence during the cold months.winter-house (more…)

October 10, 2012

Fun Facts About Mr. Sofa

Probably, the best time of my day is when I come home from a long day of working hard, put on my fluffy slippers and lie on my comfy sofa … ah, I love the feeling when the soft pillows surround my body. I can’t even imagine not having a sofa, because my after-work relaxation will be gone. It is one of the most appreciated pieces of furniture in my apartment and this is the reason why sometimes I call it “Mr. Sofa”. (more…)